Published or submitted:


1.     K. Rivkin, W. Saslow, V. Chandrashekar, L.E. DeLong, J.B. Ketterson, “Dynamic Magnetic response of infinite arrays of ferromagnetic particles”, submitted to Physical Review B.

2.     K.Rivkin, W. Saslow and J.B. Ketterson ,”Resonant switching using spin valves”, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics

3.     K.Rivkin, W. Saslow and J.B. Ketterson ,"Time-dependent fields and anisotropy dominated magnetic media", submitted to Physical Review B.

4.     K. Rivkin, Wentao Xu, L. E. De Long, V. V. Metlushko, B. Ilic and J. B. Ketterson “Analysis of ferromagnetic resonance response of square arrays of permalloy nanodots”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 309,  317-325 (2007).

5.     K.Rivkin, V.Chandrasekhar and J.B.Ketterson “Controlling the Suhl instability: a numerical study”, submitted to Physical Review B.

6.     K. Rivkin and J. B. Ketterson “Magnetization reversal in the anisotropy-dominated regime using time-dependent magnetic fields”, Applied Physics Letters 89, 252507 (2006), noted  in June 3, 2007 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology..

7.     K. Rivkin and J. B. Ketterson, ”Switching spin valves using r.f. currents”, Applied Physics Letters 88, 192515 (2006), noted  in May 29, 2006 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.

8.     K. Rivkin and J. B. Ketterson, “Micromagnetic simulations of absorption spectra”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 306, 204 (2006).

9.     K. Rivkin, L.E. DeLong and J.B. Ketterson, “Microscopic study of magnetostatic spin waves”, Journal of Applied Physics 97, 10E309 (2005).

10.  K. Rivkin, A. Heifetz, P. R. Sievert and J. B. Ketterson, “Resonant modes of dipole-coupled lattices”,  Physical Review B 70 , 184410 (2004).

11.   Wentao Xu, D. B. Watkins,  L. E. Delong, K. Rivkin, J. B. Ketterson, V. Metlushko, Journal of Applied Physics 95, (2004).

12.  Y. Sun, Kirill Rivkin, J. Chen, J. B. Ketterson, P. Markworth and R. P. Chang  “Strain splitting of 1s yellow orthoexciton of epitaxial orthorhombic Cu2O films on MgO [110]”, Physical Review B 66, 245315(2002).

In preparation:

K.Rivkin, W. Saslow, K. Romanov, Y. Adamov, A. Abanov, V. Pokrovsky “Normal modes of Neel domain wall and Neel to Bloch phase transition”

           K.Rivkin, W. Saslow, K. Romanov, Y. Adamov, A. Abanov, V. Pokrovsky “Neel domain wall – analytical and numerical study”

Based on the following presentation, given in December 2006 at Northwestern University: